Womb Awakening

in Avalon

19-29 May 2024


Womb Shaman Embodiment Retreat


 Awaken your Sacred Feminine Essence

& become a Spirit Keeper of the Womb


When you clear the personal and ancestral energetic blocks held in your womb-space, awaken her power, activate her secret portals, and embody the wisdom of the feminine cycles, you will harness the fullness of your Sacred Feminine Power, restore your lineage 'roots', feel yourself claimed as a guardian of Earth, and be able to step into your destiny as a birther, creator and healer of this Feminine Awakening movement


Deborah's intention is for you to spend 10 days immersed in beauty, sacred ceremony and the feminine arts, as you deeply connect to the ancestral templates of Avalon. She will guide you to heal your womb-space, and embody the gifts of your inner-Maiden, Mother, Queen and Crone, so that you can reclaim your feminine power, ignite your heart's desires and deepest longing, and truly come home to yourself 


When you return home you will feel deeply nourished, restored and empowered - ready to weave your Womb Shaman magic and birth your soul-gifts into the world 


Located just five miles from Glastonbury, nestled on the edge of Compton Dundon village in Somerset, Earth Spirit Centre lies within the 'tenemos' (sacred enclosure) of Avalon. 'Little Earth' will be our Temple Space for our 10 days together!




We have three room types for your choice -

See below for what's included in your retreat experience

Shared Lotus Bell-Tent

Sleep in this beautiful lotus bell-tent - comes with bedding, carpets, and chest-of-drawers, set in our Earth Spirit camping field...just a pixie-hop and a fairy-skip from the alfresco showers and compost loos!

Investment £2785

See payment-plan options


Ensuite Sharing

Enjoy a cosy shared room next to, or below our Sacred Temple Space, each room comes with underfloor heating and a private ensuite bathroom - you'll most likely be first in the hot-tub each morning!

Investment £2895

See payment-plan options


Bring your own tent or campervan

Pitch your tent or park up in our Earth Spirit camping field, with alfresco showers and compost loos

Investment £2685

See payment plan options


Are you ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery, embodiment and transformation to awaken your Sacred Feminine?


As Debs guides you to connect with your womb and experience the deep gnosis of who you are and what you're here to do in the world


You will be guided to... 

Explore the 9x Sacred Portals of your Womb and activate their unique gifts, allowing you to develop deeper intuition, and connect with your womb's oracular wisdom as your spiritual compass, so that you can inherit the wisdom and empowerment that your womb is waiting to share with you, allowing you to better navigate your way through life


By immersing yourself in beauty and sacred sisterhood in a pristine held space, and through powerful embodiment practices, rituals, guided meditations and sacred ceremonies, you'll unlock your Divine Feminine Power to reveal more creativity, radiance and magnetism


You will create your own Womb Shaman Drum...

Which will carry the medicine of your Womb Awakening journey and the spirit of Avalon. The crafting and birthing of your sacred drum will be guided by artisan, healer and teacher Ros Simons 


"The drum is a feminine form, which emulates Mother Earth and the woman's womb...the womb that renews life and is also the continuing heartbeat at the centre of life" 

 - Brooke Medicine Eagle


You will experience...

Quantum Womb Healing™, Womb Ho'oponopono, the art of yoni steaming, pelvic release and womb yoga, Red Tent sharing circles, sacred crafting and Shakti Dance...


You will learn how to...

Reclaim the gifts of your inner-Maiden, Mother, Queen and Crone allowing you to embody your Wise-Woman-Power and harness the wisdom of the seasons and your cyclic feminine nature


So that you can...


Honour the sacred temple of your body


Connect to your intuition and creativity


Ignite your wild sensuality and Shakti


Share your Feminine Voice


And reclaim your power


Your retreat also includes a 'Magdalene Pilgrimage'

To private visit Chalice Well Gardens where we will hold a sacred tea ceremony, before exploring the White Spring and Glastonbury Tor



This retreat is designed to...












So that you can...


Unleash your full potential


Become a beacon of light in your community


And fulfil your sacred purpose in this lifetime


Deborah Stanley is a Womb Medicine Woman & Spirit Keeper of the Sacred Feminine

Debs grew up near Glastonbury and has been leading women's retreats for 15 years, with 25 years experience as a healer and holding sacred space for women, her gift is transmission and her passion is to empower soul-centred women on the journey of Womb Awakening to unlock the full spectrum of their Divine Feminine Essence so that they can reclaim their power, step into leadership and confidently share their soul-gifts with the world, as the creators, birthers and healers of this Feminine Awakening movement

The most important piece is the community, the sisterhood, the co-creation and the connection that evolves when we come home to ourselves to remember who we are and discover that we have the same desires and hold a shared vision

During this retreat you'll learn how to embody the essence of Womb Awakening, and fall deeper in love with yourself as the Earth-Rooted Womban the world needs now...


"Debs is a true weaver of Womb Magic as she holds space to free up the ties to your ancestral lineage and lived experiences. Radiance brings freedom from your own traumas and those of the collective womanhood. I am forever changed by my womb awakening journey and wish the same for you”

Jolyn Rose

Acupuncturist, Herbalist & Pelvic Steam Therapist  

"This retreat gave me so much more that I expected. Debs has an amazing capacity to hold space for the Sacred Feminine. I always feel safe and nurtured when I work with her. She brings a magic, earthiness and connectedness that is deeply healing to be around"

Saskia Fraser

Artist & Creativity Coach

What's included in your retreat?

  • 10 nights, 10 days accommodation and FULL immersion
  • 3 daily vegetarian meals using local, seasonal veg
  • All drum making materials and tuition
  • Daily womb yoga and guided shamanic journeys, Quantum Womb Healing™, transformational workshops, ceremonies and rituals
  • Tour to Chalice Well, White Spring & Glastonbury Tor
  • Hot tub

What's not included in your retreat?

  • Airfare
  • Transportation to & from the retreat centre
  • Optional massage/bodywork

What is a Womb Shaman?

“What we call Shaminism is essential feminine consciousness, a truth reflected in an old indigenous proverb from the Chuckee tradition that says “woman is by nature a shaman.” …The word shaman means “one who knows” or “she who flows with the moon”. The origins of shamanism are rooted in the prehistoric womb religion, representing the journey to reclaim the feminine Dreamtime of Womb Consciousness. Elders in their moonapause and menstruating, pregnant, and sexually awakened women were the first shamans and initiators, whose wombs held the Spirit Gate between the worlds”

Excerpt from “Womb Awakening - Initiatory Wisdom From The Creatrix Of All Life”
- Seren & Azra Bertrand

"Debs has a unique way of blending ceremony and healing with a deep connection to the earth, nature and the seasons. Its both energising and deeply relaxing. I love the sacred rituals, womb healing and transmissions, her deep reverence for Mother Earth and the sacred feminine. Her blend of wisdom, spirituality and wild, courageous spirit is quite unique. During this retreat I felt like I'd come home”

Alison Jenkins

Landscape Gardener

"Through this Womb Awakening journey, you've touched my life in ineffable ways...and I'm beyond grateful to have received your womb-codes, activations, wisdom and the sheer magnitude of Goddess Essence and frequency that you embody."

Colleen Marie

Womb Wealth Activator

Frequently asked questions


"What working with Debs was able to access in me was things that 10 years of therapy, and other holistic and conventional therapies have not been able to get to the root of. I felt completely transformed and fully and completely in my body like I never have before."

Cara Redpath - 

Nutritionalist & Fertility/Female health specialist

"I now have practices to stay connected to my sacred womb and any creative idea I have, I now pass through her which adds a new level of potency. I also feel far more deeply connected to the Earth and her rhythms and how that mirrors in my body. Which has allowed me to work with my energies and cycles"

Emily Bodhi

Yogi, Artist, Singer & Mama