Hello Beauty!

I’m Deborah Stanley

Spirit Keeper
of the

Deborah means “the bee” - sacred totem of the “womb hive”

☽ I am a Quantum Feminine Embodiment Guide


☽ Womb Shaman


☽ & Post-menopause creative Earth Mama of two wildlings!

“As a Mistress of the Yoni - Debs is the real deal!”


Maggie Gudmundsson - Spiritual Healer & Medium

And you?

You dear Goddess are a Wisdom-Keeper, a Queen


& a beautiful Creatrix who is sitting on a volcano


of wild creative energy, waiting to explode!


You are ready to embody more Shakti


step into the next level of your


power, creativity & wisdom.


share your gifts with the


world & co-create a


bold vision for







You are giving out & showing up…

And yet...

…you can often feel exhausted

…overwhelmed, isolated & unmet

Deep down you know that there is MORE


& that you have not yet harnessed the full juicy treasure-trove of your



My Super-Power 


It is the frequency, "codes" and energetic signature conveyed through my voice, my words, my presence and the healing space that I hold for you...that initiates your own Shakti "codes" and self-healing ability to come on line, so that your Wild Feminine Essence can take root, and truly blossom

Through Quantum Womb Healing TM, unique Feminine Embodiment practices & ceremonial transmissions, it is my total joy to witness you -

Forge a deeper, more spiritual connection with your womb & the depths of your inner feminine landscape


Align with the wisdom of your cyclical nature 


Learn to embody the medicine of the seasons, moon cycles & elements


Re-write your Herstory & heal the "Red Threads" of your ancestral  lineage


Find your Feminine Voice & reclaim your 

Feminine Power


Experience more Abundance, Creativity, Freedom & Juicy


So who am I anyway?


I was you...


I gave my power away, without even knowing


Conditioned by family patterns, cultural & patriarchal holding


I lived the Selkie Tale...


I forgot my maps

Abandoned myself and my needs

I lost my tribe and my “skin”

Handed over my power

Ignored the soft whisperings of my intuition

Numbed to softness and receiving

Shamed my menstrual cycles

And felt disconnected from my feminine essence and my womb-power


Living off-grid in UK forest for 10 years…up to my arm-pits in motherhood, serving others and chopping wood, without the support that I needed - or the ability to even ask for it, let alone receive it...


At times I felt utterly powerless, exhausted, vulnerable, lost and alone...


Cycling through the seasons, I experienced a fierce apprenticeship with Mother Nature and surrendered to the wild initiation of menopause


For several years it felt like I was sitting on the bottom of the ocean. I had left everything I knew - I had to, in order to rebirth myself...into freedom, softness and sovereignty. I had to save myself


I knew in my bones that my healing was Mother Earth's healing...and every woman's healing. The Selkie Tale is the journey of Feminine Soul Retrieval


Using Quantum Healing tools, feminine embodiment practices and shamanic journeying, I did the deep inner work...and slowly I returned home


And now, through my journey of homecoming, and with over 20 years experience as a healer, and holding sacred space for 100's of women...


✧ I have discovered the gems of Sacred Self Care


✧ Unlocked the initiatory keys of our Womanhood Rites of Passage


✧ And created the alchemical healing modality of Quantum Womb Healing TM


It is my total joy and delight to share these jewels with YOU!

“Debs is the essence of feminine, abundant gorgeousness! What an exquisite, inviting, creative, cosy sanctuary she creates. Debs creates and holds space with depth, grace, wisdom, generosity and compassion, allowing women to feel held, inspired and deeply nourished - like they have come home to themselves.”

Roma Norris - Hand in Hand parenting consultant



“Debs emanates an energy in tune with Mother Earth…holding the sacred space for the feminine to be honoured, celebrated and empowered.”

Jackie Lake - Massage therapist



“Debs, my dear, gentle, warrior sister! Sweeping through the Forest, like the firebird - catching all the light! Digging deep into the Earth and sharing the treasures you mine! Diving through the air and harnessing the songs of the winds, of the birds, of the clouds. And in the fire, facing fearlessness and igniting joy and passion, burning up the past...transforming stories into spells!”


Charlotte Chance - Artist


Are you ready to step into your destiny

…as the Leader, Teacher & Birther

of this Feminine Awakening movement?

ReWilding the Sacred Feminine


 I guide soul-centred women to heal their wombs, reclaim their power and awaken their Wild Feminine Essence, so that they can come home to themselves and step into their destiny as the creators, healers, birthers & leaders of this Sacred Feminine Awakening movement


I help you to...


✦ Step more deeply into your healing path

- without spiralling into old wounds & triggers


✦ Surrender to the soft radiance of your inner-Feminine

- without handing over your power or fear of loosing yourself


✦ Stand strong in your sovereignty

- without needing to be in control


✦ Share your voice, and the gifts of your Sacred Vocation

- without fear of judgement, betrayal or persecution...&  without self-sabotage


✦ Awaken your passion, magnetism & wild sensuality

- without guilt or shame


 ✦ Rise up in juicy feminine leadership

- without overwhelm or burn out


✦ Ignite the potency of your fertility and inner Creatrix

- without struggle or self-censorship


✦ Realise your deepest desires

- without limitations


✦ Experience the freedom and joy of




And finally...





Journey with me along the Sacred Feminine pathways

into the Quantum honey-making

of your WOMB MAGIC!

This is your time Goddess!

Are you ready to step into your destiny

...to dream, seed & birth a New Earth?

Are you ready to unleash your

Wild Shakti?
My ReWilding Apprenticeship

° Born in Africa

- where my drum/heart beats

° Grew up near Glastonbury, UK

- where I climbed trees, played & ran wild

° Catholic convent boarding school

- where I perfected some good coping strategies

° Practiced Buddhism for 12 years

- where I found some brilliant maps

° Love affair with travelling

- where I expanded my Earth-Angel wings

° Co-founded a retreat in the pampas of Argentina for 3 years

- where I grew my shamanic roots

° Created a beautiful off-grid home in UK woodland where I lived for 10 years

- where I rode my Boudica chariot, strung my Artemis bow & sprouted my wild antlers

° Free-birthed & wild-parented 2 beautiful human beings

- where my heart burst open

° Initiated as a Womb Shaman

- where I discovered my rose & Magdalene keys & ignited my Pele “dragon-fire"

° Creatrix’ed a straw-bale Goddess Temple “Shakti Lodge" in the woods - holding space for women’s circles, yoga, sound baths, ceremonies & retreats - where I found Sacred Sisterhood & embodied my Wild Shakti

° I now live on the wilds of Dartmoor, Devon, UK, with my two wildling cubs & several furry & feathered familiars

- where I have found my Selkie skin & wear my sovereign witchy crown!

My "Formal" Apprenticeship


✧ BA hons degree - Drama & Theatre Arts, where my love of playful magic & ceremony began

✧ Around the time of my Saturn Return (28) I became a Reiki Master, and have since attuned 100's of people to the gift of hands on healing 

✧ I have diplomas in Therapeutic Massage, Shiatsu, Polarity Therapy, Advanced Yoga Teacher Training (India & Canada) - and developed my own style as a yoga teacher & body-work therapist, working with 1000's of people over a span of 20 years

 ✧ "Womb Awakening" Feminine Mystery School Apprenticeship (4 years) & Teacher Training (Hawaii) with Seren Bertrand & Dr Azra Bertrand - authors of award winning books “Womb Awakening” & “Magdalene Mysteries”

I became a mentor for Womb Awakening students and enjoyed creating all the Sacred Crafting video guides for the apprenticeship. I am deeply grateful for this "Womb Awakening" initiation and all the magick and mystery that continues to unfold...

I now also teach on the Earth Magick module of Seren & Azra's "Biomancy" Diploma course

Are you ready to ReWild  

the fountain of your

Sacred Feminine Flow?


Root   ☽☾ ReWild   ☽☾ Radiate