The Initiatory Pathway of

Womb Shamanism

Feminine Soul Retrieval



If you would like to be considered for the   

Womb Awakening 4-Seasons Apprenticeship

Northern Hemisphere


Our next Womb-Ship

sets sail in January 2025 





Womb Awakening 4-Seasons Apprenticeship

Southern Hemisphere


This apprenticeship will start July 2025



How would your life be different if you felt at peace with your womb and deeply in rhythm with the wisdom of your feminine cycles?


Imagine forging a  spiritual connection with your womb and reclaiming your Womanhood Rites of Passage... through birth, menarche, menstruation and menopause...so that you could ignite your Shakti Fire, experience the full-spectrum of your Wild Soul Woman, and confidently share your gifts with the world in beautiful, empowering and impactful ways?


How would you feel if you could lean in to the support of a committed sisterhood of like-minded peers and become initiated as a Womb Shaman...a woman who has re-birthed the light of the Sacred Feminine into her heart, and ignited the fire of the Sacred Feminine into her womb?

"Womb Awakening... 

Is a remembrance of a pristine state of embodied consciousness, which births heaven on earth, before we became lost in our masculine neo-cortex, separated from the primal blueprint of creation

Our disconnection from our cerebellum is the cause of our disconnection from Source, the web of life, Gaia, earth, our own bodies, feelings, sexuality and Soul

Our sexual energy is our life force, and it is not limited to a sexual act – it forms the blueprint of creation and our biology. Gnostic Shamanism reclaims the power and sanctity of this wild, innocent and orgasmic energy that is natural and free."  

Seren Bertrand


So what is a Womb Shaman?

“What we call Shaminism is essential feminine consciousness, a truth reflected in an old indigenous proverb from the Chuckee tradition that says “woman is by nature a shaman.” …The word shaman means “one who knows” or “she who flows with the moon”. The origins of shamanism are rooted in the prehistoric womb religion, representing the journey to reclaim the feminine Dreamtime of Womb Consciousness. Elders in their moonapause and menstruating, pregnant, and sexually awakened women were the first shamans and initiators, whose wombs held the Spirit Gate between the worlds”

Excerpt from “Womb Awakening - Initiatory Wisdom From The Ceeatrix Of All Life”

by Seren & Azra Bertrand




Transformational year long journey of initiation, healing & home-coming


As we spiral through the seasons of the year, honouring the 8x festivals of the Celtic Wheel, you will…


Immerse yourself in the wisdom of the Feminine Mysteries

 Reclaim the gifts of your Womanhood Rites of Passage

Connect with your womb & unlock her power 

 Harness the power of the Celtic Festivals

as you embody the cyclical wisdom of your inner-

Maiden, Mother, Queen & Crone



As an initiated Womb Shaman you will...

 Confidently lead yourself and step into Wild Feminine Leadership

✦ Become a deeper space-holder & way-shower

Learn to share your gifts in the world with ease and impact

Experience the full spectrum of your "Wild Soul Woman" codes

And embody the next level of your Power, Wisdom & Sovereignty



During the Womb Awakening 4-Seasons Apprenticeship we weave with two pathways: 


The Pathway of Womb Healing - This year long journey is an apprenticeship with you womb, where you will restore your womb to her immaculate sensuality, as a pristine vessel of Light. You will deep-dive into healing your own womb stories and, by process of osmosis, your ancestral lineage (your Red Threads). You will activate your "womb-codes" and ignite your innate Shakti as you journey through the year to reclaim your womanhood rites of passage - through the thresholds of menarche, menstruation, sexuality, sacred union, abundance, leadership, vocation and feminine magic


And the Pathway of Womb Shamanism - a “Womb Shaman” is the embodiment of the Wild Feminine, becoming a Womb Shaman means restoring this lost and forbidden part of yourself to her compassionate, sovereign, sensual, creatrix, multi-dimensional "throne"!

Becoming a Womb Shaman is also about aligning to Earth consciousness and attuning to the Earth's natural cycles within you, as you bring the MAGIC of your Source-connected self online, and start plugging this energy into the Earth grids - broadcasting this unique frequency into the world...just by being YOU!


Through the Pathway of Womb Healing you will...


  Clear the trauma and negative patterns held in your womb, so that you feel more vitality, more peace and more Shakti. Through your own healing you heal your lineage, your future generations and Mother Earth

Forge a deeper, more spiritual relationship with your womb so that you can feel more connected to your body and the earth and lunar cycles

Heal old patterns of unworthiness, so that you can access the gifts of your inner-creatrix, tap into juicy earth-rooted abundance and feel limitless freedom

Feel heard, seen and supported - as your longing for tribe, community and sisterhood is fully met and nourished

Embody Sacred Union and balance your inner- Feminine and Masculine energies so that you feel softer, more able to receive, more in touch with your intuition and able to listen to your bodys impulses…less pushing and swimming upstream, less disconnect, exhaustion and overwhelm 

Access the full spectrum of your Wild Feminine Essence and discover your inner sensual Goddess so that you can radiate your juicy magnetic confidence, your passion and wild free spirit

Through the Pathway of The Womb Shaman you will...


Become a Spirit Keeper of the Feminine Mysteries so that this ancient wisdom can be handed down to future generations and never again be lost, hidden or suppressed

Deepen your skills as a way-shower, mentor and guide to help women to heal and truly come home to themselves

 Learn to hold sacred space for women, so that you can access your own deep wisdom and medicine, whilst feeling safe, seen, heard and honoured

Learn sacred ceremonies and rituals to honour the cycles of life, transitions and rites of passage

Stop hiding your light and playing small, and instead reclaim your power and Feminine Voice, so that you can share your wisdom and gifts with the world, in a powerful, more impactful way

Learn the feminine energetics of Self-Leadership so that you can step into sovereignty and Sacred Feminine Leadership as an initiated Womb Shaman and become recognised as an authority and expert in this Feminine Awakening movement

Witness your Sacred Vocation flourish and expand, bringing you juicy abundance and a sense of agency, confidence, excitement



I will share with you all the tools that you need to become initiated as a Womb Shaman and embody the full spectrum of your Wild Feminine Essence


In the 4-Seasons apprenticeship we use the curriculum of The Womb Awakening Pathway


Here's the what, why and how...

The Womb Awakening Pathway



On this spiral journey through the 4x Seasons of the year (Spring, Summer, Autumn & Winter) we will be experiencing a deep dive into the 4x key archetypes of womanhood, to heal the shadow aspects and reclaim the gifts of your inner-Maiden, Mother, Queen and Crone…so that you can embody the full-spectrum of your Sacred Womanhood codes

This is your birth-rite, we haven’t been taught this, this wisdom has been suppressed, lost and hidden. This is our duty of care as women and guardians of Earth, to reclaim these rites of passage, heal our lineage and pass on this wisdom to our children and future generations

You will heal your Herstory and experience the full-spectrum embodiment of your Wild Feminine Essence

 As we cycle through the 4x seasons of the year we will use the potent gateways of the 8x Festivals within the Celtic Wheel to heal your womb’s Herstory, reclaim your womanhood rites of passage and embody the deep medicine of your inner- Maiden, Mother, Queen and Crone



Spiral 1 - IMBOLC - Sacred Rebirth

Reclaiming the rite of passage of your own conception, gestation and birth

 So that you feel more embodied, grounded and present, and experience a deeper trust in life and feel rooted in your place in the world


Spiral 2 - OSTARA / Spring Equinox - Sacred Menarche

Reclaiming the rite of passage of Menarche & Menstruation

 Heal your Menarche story to release any shame (personal, ancestral, cultural etc), so that you can reclaim your pristine innocence and sensuality, come to honour your menstrual cycle and feel deeply at peace with your womb

Spiral 3 - BELTANE - Sacred Aphrodite

Reclaiming the rite of passage of sacred sexuality

 Healing any shame around your sexuality and your relationship to your body, so that you can ignite your juicy pleasure and experience the full potential of your ecstatic bliss and wild sensuality


Spiral 4 - LITHA / SUMMER SOLSTICE -  Sacred Union

Reclaiming the rite of passage of sacred marriage

Heal your mother/father wound to experience deeper self-love. Balance your inner-masculine and feminine energies, as you commit to sacred relationship with yourself & / or your beloved and embody Sacred Union within

Spiral 5 - LAMMAS - Sacred Abundance

Reclaiming wealth, abundance and prosperity as your birth-rite

Release any patterns of unworthiness, poverty consciousness or lack, energetically align with earth-rooted abundance and become a magnet for nourishing wealth and prosperity without the shame, fear or guilt


Spiral 6 - MABON / AUTUMN EQUINOX - Sacred Leadership

Reclaiming the full power of your Womb Shama & Queen Leadership codes, your Feminine Power and Feminine Voice

Learn to speak your truth and hold clear strong boundaries as you step into your feminine power, your sovereignty, agency, authority and leadership, so that you feel aligned, confident, magnetic and sassy


Spiral 7 - SAMHAIN - Sacred Vocation

Reclaim your Feminine Magick

Release any self-sabotage and self-doubt, and clear any limiting beliefs or survival patterns keeping you playing small, so that you can stop hiding your light, and start confidently share your soul gifts and Feminine Magick with the world


Spiral 8 - YULE - Sacred Wisdom

Reclaim the power of your inner Wise-Woman

Embrace your inner-Healer/Priestess as you become fully initiated as a Womb Shaman and Spirit-Keeper of the Feminine Mysteries




Life-changing healing magic

Creating a beautiful sacred container, Debs guides you into your inner ceremonial womb landscape for a journey of life-changing healing magic. By taking this pilgrimage into the deepest dimensions of the womb portals, you will discover secret keys your womb has been waiting to share with you. I received so much incredible information. Debs is a natural womb healer, holding both a deeply rooted and compassionate energy, along with the spirit power of the cosmic mother"

Seren Bertrand - Award-winning author of Womb Awakening & Magdalene Mysteries



Now I have practices to stay connected to my sacred womb

Debs appeared in my path after I had spent some time decoding the messages in my meditations of roses, Mary Magdalene and ancient paths and being told that my womb was a "portal to divine energy". I had set an intention to learn more and dive deeper and then one day a new friend happened to mention a Womb Shaman and I knew I had to make contact!
Not only was I beginning to realise the potency of this neglected part of my body, but during this time I had also developed a giant fibroid and I was looking for support to really dive in and heal this sacred space.
Through my work with Debs I have connected deeply to my womb and have come to see her as a pristine temple space. My work with Debs has helped me clear my own womb trauma.
Now I have practices to stay connected to my sacred womb. Any creative idea I have, I now pass through her to bring to life, which adds a new level of Potency. I also feel far more deeply connected to the Earth and her rhythms and how that mirrors in my body. Which has allowed me to work with my energies and cycles.
Thank you Debs for your deep support and holding me so tenderly through this process 

Amaya - Mother, Singer-Songwriter, Artist


I feel more grounded in my power…

Debs is a powerful healer. She holds space in a way that feels very safe and within that holding was able to take me to a deep place of connection and healing with my womb. It was very powerful. I was surprised at how deeply I entered into the lunar field. I have already noticed a higher level of tolerance in myself since our sessions and I have been feeling a lot less volatile. I feel more grounded in my power and look forward to more physical benefits of having removed the pelvic trauma that I had carried for so long!

Lavinia Brown - Psychodynamic Coach For Mamas



Meet your Womb Awakening 4-Seasons Apprenticeship Guide...

Deborah Stanley 

is a Womb Shaman & Spirit Keeper of the Wild Feminine

  • Founder of Deva Pathways and the creator of Womb Awakening Pathway™, Quantum Womb Healing™ and Pelvic Radiance™
  • Feminine Embodiment Expert & Shamanic Guide 
  • Established leader in the Feminine Awakening Movement
  • Over 20 yrs experience as a healer & Feminine Embodiment expert, guiding women in both 1:1 and group programmes, and in-person retreats


  • Ceremonial healing transmissions
  • Womb healing
  • Seasons & feminine cycles
  • Creating & holding sacred space
  • Women's Circles
  • Sacred ceremonies & rituals
  • Womanhood rites of passage
  • Shamanic journeying
  • Sacred crafting

As a Womb Medicine Woman who has lived off-grid through the seasons where I created a beautiful forest home & experienced an apprenticeship under the fierce guide of Mother Nature & having navigated the often exhausting journey of mothering & “moon-a-pause”, while serving others, with over 20 years experience as a healer and holding space for women...

I have discovered the gift of Quantum Womb Healing TM & the gems of earth-rooted Sacred Self-Care & I am passionate about sharing these “codes” to help women like you to...

✦ Access the depths of your feminine landscape

✦ Reclaim your power

✦ & Embody your wild feminine essence

- so that you can step into your destiny as the creator, birther & leader of this Sacred Feminine movement and truly come home to yourself

 You can read more about my womb awakening journey in my BLOG

Join me on this rose-petal Wild Soul Woman pathway of life-changing Self-Love and Unapologetic Radiance


What you get when you join:


Activation Call with your Womb Guide

  • Empowerment & Orientation Call to welcome you, create your sacred intention, and go through the group commitments  


Live Voice of your Womb calls

  •  Weekly 'VoW' calls held by your Womb Guide where you will be guided to access the wisdom that your womb is waiting to share with you for each rite of passage, followed by a sharing circle 


Self-Paced Ceremonies & Rituals

  • Guided Quantum Womb HealingCeremonies  to heal your womb-space and activate her gifts
  •  Step-by-step video/audio guides and inspiration to support your embodiment journey and healing transformation, including:

- Creating Altars to honour your Maiden, Mother, Queen & Crone

 - Journaling

 - Womb Shaman Rituals

- Embodiment Practices

- Womb clearings

Bonus Wisdom-Keeper Masterclasses 


Live Events

  • Womb Activations - to prime and 'activate' your womb-space so that you can receive your womb's wisdom and insights 
  • Celtic Festival Womb Shaman Ceremonies - Using the 'portal' of each Celtic Festival we gather as a counsel of Womb Shamans to receive a powerful attunement during a Womb Ho’oponopono or Shamanic Fire Ceremony
  • Shakti Medicine Moves - weekly conscious movement sessions to help you move the energy through your body and embody the medicine of your Womb Awakening journey
  • Womb Shaman Crafting - crafting powerful items for your Womb Shaman medicine bag, charged with sacred intentions and blessed by your ancesters 
  • Monthly Sister Circles - sharing circles, speaking into the sacred fire with a “talking stick”



  •  Deva Pathways Womb Shaman certification on graduation


As a graduate you will be eligible to train as a Quantum Womb Healing Facilitator


Community / Tribe

  •  Shakti Lodge -Private Members Community



  •  A rich library of Resources & inspiration



  •  1:1 Quantum Womb Healing ceremonies - get 1:1 support with Deborah and fast-track your Womb Awakening embodiment with laser-focused healing sessions to help clear intergenerational blocks and trauma, and support you on your journey (*limited availability, costs extra)

This has transformed me

...I’m a different person from when I started this journey - feeling this way, seeing the world in this way. I sing more and feel confident about it, expressing my talent, I really feel powerful, I no longer have to hide my gifts my beauty and my intelligence, I really want to share it. I use to be scared of my talents and used to run away from that and play small. Now I realise that no-one gains from that. I’ve got so much from this work, I feel every woman should do this! I feel like I’ve found my confidence, I’m so excited. There was a huge wall between me and the outside world, I was outside the wall looking in, and everything on the inside looked so big. Now I know I can do this and want to do this - now I have found the bridge!

Milena Кузовлева


I lost my womb...

...without consent, during an emergency operation to remove a huge fibroid

Life didn't seem worth living as all I wanted to be was a mother. I hated my womb space and disconnected from it.

Years later I went on to become a mother, to 2 beautiful wild and feral daughters born via surrogacy.

It was then that I started to learn about womb healing and came across Deborah's work. I felt pulled towards working with her in order to reconnect with my womb space - she understood.

Working with Deborah I felt incredibly held and understood, and most of all I felt whole. The Quantum Womb Healing ceremonies are held online, yet it felt like Debs was sat in the room with me. I cried, she held me and we journeyed together.

It was magical - I stepped into my womb space and made peace with my womb...I connected with her, and her with me.

Since working with Debs I've been out of pain, I'm still working on gaining connection with my womb yet I no longer feel bitter towards it. I've been able to forgive my womb and myself, and release the guilt and shame I have carried for so long.

My womb journey with Debs will continue - she is magical, dear and so wise

Sajida Malik - mother of 2 daughters

After 10 years of therapy...

What working with Debs was able to access in me was things that 10 years of therapy, and other holistic and conventional therapies have not been able to get to the root of. I felt completely transformed and fully and completely in my body like I never have before.

I can’t scientifically describe what Debs does, all I know is it is powerful medicine. I cannot recommend Quantum Womb Healing enough - for any woman who has any kind of trauma from any kind of birth, fertility, gynaecological or intervention experience, painful periods, pms, disconnect from your body, your life-force and your creativity, or if you are experiencing low libido. I can see this being being effective for the majority of my clients.

Cara Redpath - Nutritionalist and Fertility/Female health specialist



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