Imagine a world...


Where the womb, birth, mothering, the feminine cycles, and our precious Earth are honoured as holy - the sanctity of life.

We all came from the womb, and I believe that the great re-weave and re-membering on this planet can truly go "QUANTUM" when each of us takes back our power and heals - one womb-an at a time.

Through the initiatory pathway of Womb Awakening , I help women like you to learn to love all of yourself - by healing your trauma, reclaiming your power, and embodying your Wild Feminine Essence.

...so that you can truly come home to yourself, and step into your destiny as the creator, birther & leader of this Sacred Feminine movement.


Womb Awakening

1:1 Quantum Womb Healing

6 month journey


Is right for you if you desire to...


✦ Make peace with and forge a deeper, more spiritual connection with your womb

✦ Heal your "Red-Threads" - your personal and ancestral womb stories, so that you can pass on different "threads" to your children and future generations

✦ Access the rich layers of your feminine landscape

✦ Attune to the wisdom of the feminine cycles

✦ Embody the gifts of your 4x womanhood archetypes - Maiden, Mother, Queen & Crone

✦ Awaken the power of feminine softness within you

✦ Release any previous guilt, shame or sadness from your journey through womanhood

✦ Dissolve the painful stuck traumatic energy held in your body and womb

✦ Deepen your capacity for intimacy and trust in sacred relationship

✦ Experience more juicy pleasure and sensuality

✦ Feel your womb as your sacred inner "Temple" and spiritual compass


Start Your Journey

Why Womb Awakening? 


Do you experience any of the following? 

Feelings of disconnect from your womb and yoni

Feelings of shame, confusion or shock when you recall the time of your Menarche (your first bleed)

Holding shame about any part of your body and/or your sexuality

✦ ✦ ✦

Blocked intuition

Feeling "at sea" with the unpredictable moods and energies of your monthly cycle

Self-sabotage or guilt around pleasure, receiving and self-care

 ✦ ✦ ✦

Issues around fertility, inability to conceive

Emotionally shut down and/or lack trust in intimate relationships

Low libido, vaginal dryness and/or painful love-making

 ✦ ✦ ✦

Difficulty asking for support

Stuck in patterns of people pleasing, over-giving, overwhelm, isolation and exhaustion

Never finding time for yourself

Unable to switch off, rest or regularly enjoy self-care

Stuck in patterns of doing, achieving, striving, showing up no matter what…shoving down your feelings and pushing through

✦ ✦ ✦

Holding shame or grief from womb trauma - births, miscarriage, termination, stillbirth, sexual abuse, part or full hysterectomy, or from medical intervention

Difficult or disempowering pregnancies and/or births

Painful heavy menstruation, debilitating pre-menstrual syndrome, PMDD, endometriosis, menorrhagia, recurring STI’s or UTI’s, urinary incontinence, fibroids, polyps, prolapse, polycystic ovaries


"Discover secret keys your womb has been waiting to share"


"Creating a beautiful sacred container, Debs guides you into your inner ceremonial womb landscape for a journey of life-changing healing magic. By taking this pilgrimage into the deepest dimensions of the womb portals, you discover secret keys your womb has been waiting to share with you. I received so much incredible information. Debs is a natural womb healer, holding both a deeply rooted and compassionate energy, along with the spirit power of the cosmic mother.”


Seren Bertrand - Storyteller and Spirit keeper  

Award-winning author of Womb Awakening & Magdalene Mysteries


 What You Will Recieve


Your 6 month programme includes 12x monthly face-to-face video calls where we meet online

Including 6x beautifully curated bespoke Quantum Womb Healing™ ceremonies where I journey you into the sacred space of your womb to allow you to connect with your womb's wisdom, heal your lineage, reclaim your Divine Feminine Power (2 hours each), plus 6x Feminine Embodiment Mentoring and Integration calls (1 hour each)

I will use Shamanic journeying techniques, somatic energy tools and the groundbreaking modality of Quantum Womb Healing™ to heal the stuck, painful trauma and blocks held in your body


As I guide you with my voice or drum you will open to  receive the insights, gifts and wisdom that you are seeking and start to experience a shift in your frequency as the old energy leaves your system

I will then hold space for a high frequency healing transmission while you relax and receive the energy. In my proximity your self-healing ability will be switched on and you will receive exactly what you need - you are completely in charge of your own healing process


You will also receive life-time access to a rich library of beautifully curated guides, meditations, feminine embodiment rituals, inspiration and resources to help you deepen and integrate your process. There are no have-to's and you can go at your own pace. You will have life-time access to these materials


Your programme also includes 24/7 online support. We connect in between sessions via the walkie talkie app Voxer. You can leave me voice messages where you are free to check in, share updates, ask questions and I will respond. This resource is invaluable and allows you feel held and supported as you process the shifts between each live session. I will always reply as soon as I can, (within 48 hours). Basically, you've got me "in your back pocket" for 6 months - offering my encouragement, love and support


How We Work Together

Womb Awakening 1:1 immersion

In each Quantum Womb Healing session I will guide you to connect with the "Voice your Womb" in order to find your Sacred Intention

During these 6 months together we will release any stuck energy that is blocking you from embodying the gifts of your Sacred Intention - this stuck energy can include any unhealed trauma, survival patterns or blocks that you are experiencing, which may have been passed down from your ancestors through your DNA, or connected to beliefs, or conscious/subconscious programmes from past lives etc.

When your body/soma is free of these patterns you will start to embody the deep healing, transformation and "medicine" that your soul is yearning for. You will begin to feel lighter as the weight of these blocks dissolves. You will start to connect more deeply with your womb and delight in the gifts of your Sacred Feminine as they begin to reveal themselves in all areas of your life




This immersion is for you if you long to...


Forge a deeper connection with your womb - connect with her 'voice', and the wisdom of your feminine cycles


Clear and heal your personal & lineage womb templates (clear the old ancestral patterns blocking you from accessing your soul-gifts and true power)


Do you deeply desire to...


Access your Feminine voice and intuition?

Embody your deep soul wisdom?

Harness your juicy magnetism & creativity?

And step into the fullness of your Feminine Power and creativity?


If you know you are ready to embody the full RADIANCE of your


Divine Feminine Essence


and be held and supported on your journey of


Sacred Feminine Embodiment



- I would love to connect ♡











  • Immediate access to all the course resources and materials for Womb Awakening 1:1 programme
  • 6x monthly Quantum Womb Healing™ ceremonies & healing transmissions, held via 1:1 face-to-face video calls (2 hours), including:
  • Opening ceremony with hand-fasting ceremony
  • Inner Seasons of the Feminine Cycles 
  • Elemental Womb Vision Quest
  • Womb Ho'oponopono 
  • Shamanic Fire ceremony 
  • Garden of Your Womb Closing Ceremony 
  • Life-time access to all Feminine Embodiment tools, rituals, meditations, guides & resources
  • Plus 6x Feminine Embodiment Mentoring & Integrations calls (1 hour)
  • 24/7 support via Voxer
  • *Pay in full also includes BONUS "Creating Sacred Space" e-course valued at £108



  • Immediate access to all the course resources and materials for Womb Awakening 1:1 programmes
  • 6x Feminine Embodiment Mentoring & Integrations calls (1 hour)
  • 6x monthly Quantum Womb Healing™ ceremonies & healing transmissions, held via 1:1 face-to-face video calls (2 hours), including:
  • Opening ceremony with hand-fasting ceremony
  • Inner Seasons of the Feminine Cycles 
  • Elemental Womb Vision Quest
  • Womb Ho'oponopono 
  • Shamanic Fire ceremony 
  • Garden of Your Womb Closing Ceremony 
  • Life-time access to all Feminine Embodiment tools, rituals, meditations, guides & resources
  • 24/7 support via Voxer

What sisters say...


🌸 "I feel more grounded in my power…

🌸 "Groundbreaking...

🌸  "Revolutionary...

🌸 “…life-changing healing magic

🌸 “Such a powerful reconnection to my womb…

🌸 “I feel this work with Debs has unlocked the door…

🌸 "I'm awakening the power, the gifts and the whispers of my womb

🌸  "Debs holds a potent portal of MAGIC

🌸 "Restoring the divine template of WOMBan once and for ALL


Who am I anyway...?


As a Womb Medicine Woman and Spirit Keeper of the Wild Feminine who has lived off-grid through the seasons where I created a beautiful forest home, wild-birthed my babies & experienced an apprenticeship under the fierce guide of Mother Nature, and having navigated the often exhausting journey of mothering and “moon-a-pause”, while serving others, with over 20 years experience as a healer and holding space for women...

I have discovered the gift of Quantum Womb Healing™ and the gems of earth-rooted Sacred Self-Care and I am passionate about sharing these “codes” to help women like you to...

Access the depths of your feminine landscape

Reclaim your power

& Embody your wild feminine essence

- so that you can step into your destiny as the creator, birther and leader of this Sacred Feminine movement and truly come home to yourself


 You can read more about my womb awakening journey in my blog: Power of the Womb & Wild Feminine.

Join me on the Wild Feminine pathway of self-love, self-discovery, and unapologetic radiance